

Five Year Old entry to school
Donovan Primary now has an enrolment zone and information is on the link below. If you are unsure, please contact the office. Five year olds usually commence school on the day of their fifth birthday. We welcome your child and would appreciate notification of intention to attend as soon as possible. Pre entry visits are held at a time to be arranged between the parent and the class teacher, prior to their fifth birthday, to familiarize the child with the classroom and environment. These short morning visits will rekindle friendships with peers and initiate a positive relationship with the teacher while avoiding overwhelming your child. Each child is different. Some are happy with one visit a few days before their fifth birthday, while others may need several visits two or three weeks prior to enrolment. Parent and child both attend but with no other siblings. 
Enrolment forms should be collected from the school office. We need to see both your child’s Birth Certificate or Passport and their Immunisation Certificate (Plunket book) and proof of address in the form or a Rental Agreement, rate demand or power bill. If you would like to download an enrolment form please click here. 

School Age Children Transferring
Donovan Primary is currently zoned, so can only enroll children who are living within our zone and transferring from another school. 

School Stationery
General stationery is not available for purchase at school but we do sell a New Entrant pack for all new entrant children. This pack contains everything the new student will require for starting school including our sunhat.
 Our current stationery list is available at

If a child is transferring from another school during the year, please bring their stationery and we can still use them. If we use any stationery that your child does not have we will ask you to purchase those individual items. If they transfer at the beginning of the year they can purchase their stationery from our preferred supplies. A stationery list will be included in the enrolment pack.

The school has opted into the Governments School Donation Scheme. This means that we will not be charging any donations or school fees. Children will still be required to pay for their reading log and any non curricular activities eg sport. These can be paid by
cash, eftpos, automatic payment or electronic banking. 

School Policies via Schooldocs   Click here

You will be required to log in. 

Username:-  donovanprimary

Password:- drurylane

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To Contact Us

Donovan Primary 

200 Drury Lane

Invercargill 9810